Monday, July 12, 2010

Makeup for Bridesmaid

Another fun makeup job yesterday.
It was my last job for the weekend.
The wedding took place at Crowne Mutiara Hotel.
Beside my offic ajer!
Started at 430pm & we finished by 730pm.
I did makeup & hairdo for the ladies.
Masa nak start buat hairdo to kecoh skit, hair curler tak jumpa.
Mana ntah cicir.
Until now masih tak jumpa lagi.
Sib baik ada curler roll & hair straightener that I can make the curl with.
Nak dijadikan cerita.. dah sampai rumah mlm tu, my wedding band pulak tertinggal kat bilik hotel!!!!
Tapi before I realised I left it in the room, sempat pegi pasar malam dulu allkay!
Masa nak balik dari pasar malam tu tiba2 hati terdetik nak sebut "sayang nye hubby aku ni kat aku".
Skali raba2 ring tak de kat jari!
Terus incek hubby kata itu kalau hilang dah tak de ganti.
Gelabah kau!
Sampai rumah terus call hotel.
Sib bbbbaaaaaiiiiiiikkkkkkkkkk cleaner baru je masuk bilik tu nak bersih kan and he found it on the table where I left it.
Syukur sgt sgt.
Hubby punya geram kat I sampai buat facebook status "mcm mana nak cure kan 'asyik2 misplaced item' ni?"
Hahaha... I also dunno la incek hubby.

Allkay.. back to my makeup job.
Sib baik sempat amik gambar diowang2 ni coz they all look so chantik.
Itu pun sbb we had 30minz to kill.



Jabberholic said... I know what the facebook status on misplacing items was all about ;) Hehehe..

Bridal Makeup by Eija said...

ahahaha :p u got it right, sista!

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